Red Flags for Tax Auditors

9 Facts About Social Security Here are six flags that may make your tax return prime for an IRS audit.1   No one wants to see an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) auditor show up at their door. The IRS can’t audit every American’s tax return, so it relies on...

What If Your Kids Decide Against College?

What If Your Kids Decide Against College? As a parent or grandparent, you may have diligently saved money in a 529 account to help fund your child’s or grandchild’s college education. But what happens if they decide college isn’t the right path for...
A Brief History of Estate Taxes

A Brief History of Estate Taxes

Federal estate taxes have been a source of funding for the federal government almost since the U.S. was founded. In 1797, Congress instituted a system of federal stamps that were required on all wills offered for probate when property (land, homes) was transferred...