Are You Ready for Your Portfolio to Make a Difference?
Are You Ready for Your Portfolio to Make a Difference? Interest in making an impact with one’s investments has grown in recent years, which means many investors may have an increased interest in environmentally or socially focused investments as well. In fact, impact...
Tax Deductions You Won’t Believe
Here are some examples of deductions from the IRS that were permitted and some that were, uh, too creative.
A Bucket Plan To Go With Your Bucket List
A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List John and Mary are nearing retirement and they have a lot of items on their bucket list. Longer life expectancies mean John and Mary may need to prepare for two or even three decades of retirement. How should they position...
Making A Charitable Contribution
Making A Charitable Contribution Why sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio, you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them. Donating appreciated securities to a tax-qualified charity...
Monthly Memberships
A look as how autopay subscriptions can be a drain on your finances, especially when forgotten.
IRA Withdrawals That Escape The 10% Tax Penalty
IRA Withdrawals That Escape The 10% Tax Penalty The reason withdrawals from a Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) prior to age 59½ are generally subject to a 10% tax penalty is that policymakers wanted to create a disincentive to use these savings for...
Traditional vs. Roth IRA
Traditional vs. Roth IRA Traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), which were created in 1974, are owned by roughly 41 million U.S. households. And Roth IRAs, created as part of the Taxpayer Relief Act in 1997, are owned by nearly 32 million households.1 Both...
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs)
Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) Suppose your financial objectives include income and leaving a legacy for your heirs. In that case, it's essential to work with a financial professional familiar with your many options, including older tools. You don't need to...
Choices For Your 401(K) At A Former Employer
Choices for Your 401(k) at a Former Employer One of the common threads of a mobile workforce is that many individuals who leave their job are faced with a decision about what to do with their 401(k) account.¹ Individuals have four choices with the 401(k) account they...
Choosing A Retirement Plan That Fits Your Business
Choosing A Retirement Plan That Fits Your Business To choose a plan, it’s important to ask yourself four key questions. If you have yet to develop a retirement plan for your business, or if you're not sure the plan you've chosen is the right one, here are some things...
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